I think most of you follow me on Instagram, so you've undoubtedly seen some of these sick shots captured by my pal and photog extraordinaire, Melissa. I was honestly just waiting for the inspo bug to bite before I started sharing all the gems we shot together. Well, the time has come, and here they are.

vest via Nordstrom | h&m sweater | zara jeans | naturalizer boots c/o | ectula crossbody c/o
photos by: melissa de mata
A little while back, I was invited to attend an event with shoe brand, Naturalizer. We are gonna get super real on here, because that's what we do and you wouldn't visit my little space on the web, if I lied to you, right? Prior to that event, I had never set foot in a Naturalizer store. And that's real. Not because I wasn't down - I'm always down for shoes - but because I always thought it wasn't for me. Between me and you, I always thought Naturalizer was for an older demographic. When I went to the event, I learned that yes, Naturalizer has always skewed a bit older, but in the last few years, the brand has worked really hard to transform that stigma because at the end of the day, everyone is looking for a comfy, stylish shoe.
I had the opportunity to try out some new pairs and the timing couldn't have been more perfect for the colder season. I'm a boot girl - especially tall boots - and one pair missing from my wardrobe was that stylish brown pair. (I own more black pairs that I can count.) As soon as I put on this 70's style, dual tone pair, I knew it was coming home with me. It kind of reminds me of Austin Powers, so naturally, I had to wear it with a shaggy sherpa vest, poof sweater and round frames. In another season, I see myself wearing it with a denim skirt and retro tee. While I'd love for you to come back soon for my next post, I do encourage you to also set yourself a calendar reminder of some sort for the summer season (or festival season, really) to see this retro, denim skirt, brown boot combo I'm talking about. It's coming. I pinky promise.
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i love it when you whisper sweet nothings to me.