Take a seat and get ready to eat - pancakeSTACKER is served. A healthy dose of food, fashion, and just about everything in between, pancakeSTACKER aims to fill you up with sticky sweet inspiration and a serving of that real, real. No artificial flavoring or fluff here.
And who's serving up these stacks? Chandamheer (sean-duh-meer) Stacker - that's me! When I started this blog back in 2010, I was 22 and trying to find my way through my post-graduate life. Fast forward to 2014. I'm 26, no longer freshly out of college (though I sometimes still get mistaken for being 17... don't ask me how) and living in my hometown of San Francisco, CA.
While I like to think that I've somewhat successfully (and stylishly) navigated through the initial shock that is post-graduation, I'm still your average gal trying to figure it all out. So, here's my little space where I do that - I hope you'll love it as much as I do.
Questions, comments, want to work together? Send me a note at chandamheer@gmail.com.