Monday, August 30, 2010


Hello my lovelies! I have been packing and packing and packing nonstop this weekend, driving from Los Angeles to San Francisco to Los Angeles and back again. After hours of packing, moving, driving, and more driving, it is safe to say that I am nothing short of exhausted. Thus, instead of whipping out a careless and hasty post, I thought I would leave you with an editorial shoot that I couldn't get enough of a few months ago. While throwing out my collection of fashion magazines (think boxes and boxes of Vogue, Elle, Vanity Fair, Allure, etc. etc.), I came across an old French Elle magazine from earlier this summer (circa July 2010). This was one magazine I couldn't dare let go of because of this enchanting Charlize Theron center spread (but it did help that this international version was the size of a US Teen Vogue and barely took up any car space). So, with that I leave you with a few of my favorite shots from the spread! Do any of you have any old magazines you can't dare toss? If so, please share some of your favorites with me! 

Also, DON'T FORGET that my guest blogger debuts this week and you don't want to miss it! I'll also be sharing some more exciting post-grad updates for all of you. Enjoy the start of the week, everyone! P.S. Don't be shy, please share any thoughts/suggestions you have for my blog below :)


  1. Your blog is great so far!! Love these photos of Charlize. And congrats on your decision to move out of LA back to San Francisco! I love LA, but I definitely prefer the less-hectic lifestyle that exists outside of it.

  2. Well, it sure is an amazing editorial to say the least! Truth is, here in Greece, magazines aren't that great unless they include material from foreign magazines. I mean, the Greek photoshoots comparing to the american or french ones, always lack. :/

    Great blog, and I really like the way you write! I am following!!!

    If you wanna stop by my blog, feel free to do so!


  3. I love that photoshoot! So amazing- I have loads of magazines just stacked away somewhere, just because I'm too attached to throw them out!

  4. oh charlize theron, she is so stunning. woot
    did you see the music video of Brandon Flowers' Crossfire? Charlize is in it kicking ass. haha

    oh cool, nice to meet a half Filipino in the blogosphere.
    i'm your newest follower. weee

  5. i love the red shoes and the second to last photo. very nice picks.x

  6. such a gorgeous shoot, charlize is amazing!

    I would love to interview you!

    thankyou for the comment on my blog :)

  7. @Anonymous - Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment! I am glad that you like my blog so far :] It was definitely a tough decision to leave LA, but I hope to return later when I am ready again!

  8. I ♥ it!
    new inspirations! ;);*

  9. Oh, I just love Charlize Theron! She's absolutely gorgeous. Love her make-up in the 4th photo, and the 5th photo is so interesting.
    I tend to hoard my French Vogues and UK Elles, two of my favourite mags. That would all have to change since I'm moving flats soon, and I'm trying not to hoard.

    Good luck with the move!

  10. I found your site on IFB im going to follow your blog i really have enjoyed the read so far. Come by my space and if you like it follow me on blogger.

    Vogue & Vintage

  11. I've kept all my magazines that I've ever owned :) I only have a Elle Canada, a few Vogues, some Harper Bazaar's, Flare and Fashion magazines

    I love the photos :) keep it up!



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