Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sure Could Go For You

With seven days left until I take the US by storm, I've been trying to get the nuts and bolts of effective packing down. Truth be told, I'm afraid that my California closet just isn't going to do the trick when faced against multiple climates. Packing for Seattle's rain, Boston's cold winds, New York's sticky humidity, and a chance encounter of hot, hot heat in DC (thank you, weather channel) all in just two carry-on's makes the task that much harder. Cutting down my wardrobe choices, while saving room for all the goodies I'm planning to pick up en route, forces me to only bring the bones of amazing outfits, leaving me to find the meat along the way. Let it be known that I've never been a girl afraid of an outfit challenge, so I'm going  to use what I've got and only purchase the bare necessities. Below are a few items that would be a great addition to what I already have.  Aesthetic pleasure + practical use =  a winning combination.

During a long day of touring and sight-seeing, a light bag, with enough room to carry the essentials (camera, wallet, water, snacks, etc), is of the utmost importance. The only thing I hate more than having to carry a heavy bag, is carrying a heavy bag that's unorganized. A soft leather-like backpack will evenly distribute weight when in use and is easy to squash into my luggage when empty. Forever 21's Leatherette Backpack looks easy to care for and seems like it will stand against a little drizzle.

While I'd like to look like I've stepped out of an episode of Sex and the City as I'm walking around in New York in my sky-high heels, after spending hours on foot, in long walking tours, I will probably just look out of my mind.  (Not to mention how much my feet will hate me if I don't treat them right.) Thus, a comfortable flat is a must. A classic flat can be both relaxing on the feet and easy on the eyes. I turn to Steve Madden when it comes to stylish flats. The Sofiee's royal blue color will give any of my basic outfits a surprise pop of color, while the slightly pointed toe and one inch wedged-heel will flatter my narrow feet.

While it's important to have a good day bag, I'll end up looking like a grandma pack-rat if I lug around a backpack when I go out for happy hour and drinks. A feminine clutch or small shoulder bag is my go-to for nights out on the town. The scallop-edged trim on this pretty, pink bag is not only a great detail, but a hint of what's in for the fall. (Mark my words, you'll be seeing a lot of scallop-trim everything, so you, too, should think of  stocking up now!)

When packing for weather that can change from hot to cold and dry to wet in the span of a day, it's a smart move to be ready for the unforeseeable. Jackets and coats take up a lot of space, so having just one that can go from night to day saves a lot of luggage space. I plan on packing at most two outerwear pieces, so I have to make them both count. I already have three classic pea coats hanging in my closet that I need to choose from, but I could definitely go for a light jacket. This Diesel jacket in black with a detachable hood is a versatile choice and like its description says, "it's an ideal item for keeping warm and looking great." 

Now, I might be using this trip as an excuse to feed my shoe craving, but I do find great value in owning a killer pair of boots. When I'm not gallivanting in flats or strutting in heels, a sturdy boot is my next option. For the rain in Oregon and the cold in Boston, having a tall, leather boot is perfect over a pair of skinnies or leggings. If the weather is nice out, these Frye leather boots would even look great with a nice pair of shorts, or a boho dress. These knee-highs are sure to be a city-stopper, and judging by the tall boot trend on the runways, I'll get lots of use out of them in the fall, which means they'll be worth the investment.

And finally, nothing completes an vacation outfit like a quality book. A book? Yes, a book. As some of you may know, I'm an English Literature nerd at heart. I love books and go through them like some go through water. Now that my UCLA days are over (I still shed a tear from time to time thinking that, ha! Okay, not really...), books that I wouldn't normally pick out for myself are no longer just assigned to me. Who knew that I'd be pining for a decent syllabus long after my undergraduate days were over? Since I can't bring too many, I'm looking for just one to get me through my down time. I've been browsing the Borders site, and by the end of next week, I will have my top pick. Any one read any of the above?

If you think I'm missing something, or can suggest an enthralling book you finished and are dying to recommend, please leave a comment below and let me know! Still time to enter my contest, so do so before the 15th!

Have a happy weekend :) And, I promise to get back to my regular outfit posts as soon as my trip planning is settled!


  1. I am curious to that book 'eat pray love'..

  2. Yayy....good for sound like youre getting everything in order....and I too hope that you will come visit if you are even near MI...that would be sooo cool:)

    Happy Saturday hunnie:)

    Statements in Fashion

  3. i agree with owning a pair of killer boots. :D

  4. such a great post! flats are a must when traveling even tho i always wish i could be one of those people who always wears not lol

  5. dying to read, "eat, pray, love" - i've heard it's so good! Did you ever read memoirs of a geisha? it's amazing!
    In Fashion and Style

  6. love this post! The first bag is my favourite!

  7. Hey your accessories are too good.Really like your bag , shoes, and blazers.

  8. I love the royal blue shoes and if you want to read an awesome book, check out Gabrielle Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years in Solitude.
    A true classic.

  9. More DC comments I'm always up for giving! I love the city more than I'll ever be able to articulate. I hate things about it, too. But it's still home :) Go to Georgetown University (the front gate is at O and 37 and then walk down towards N and M street and you hit Prospect. There are stairs leading down to the Potomac River - that's where a scene from the Exorcist was shot - the one with the priest falling back onto the steps. Also that's right by M street which is where a lot of good shopping is. And then if you're at M street walk up and down Wisconsin. One end leads to the canal while the other goes towards the National Cathedral. Also right in the area is the waterfront right by K street. Grab some cupcakes from Baked and Wired or from Georgetown Cupcake on M street (or froyo from sweetgreen) and walk towards K street - there's a little park on the water with benches and you can see Watergate, the top of the Washington Monument and the Kennedy Center from there. It's breathtaking at night but make sure you have someone with you. If you walk down the waterfront towards the center you get to a bunch of lovely restaurants and places to sit. Definitely one of my favorite places in the city.

    And if you have time for museums - the National Gallery and the Corcoran are amazing. The sculpture garden at the Hirshhorn is one of the best I've ever seen. Also if you can get tickets, the Holocaust Museum in DC is one of the most extensive and best in the world - they have a real train car that was used for deportations built into the museum, there is a room filled with real hair cut from victims, and a room filled with shoes as well detailed and well presented information. It's an incredible experience.

    Another AMAZING thing to do is start at Dupont Circle (an AMAZING selection of bookstores and Kramerbooks and Afterwords Cafe is adorable and a DC tradition that is great for people watching if you get seated above the bookstore) and the circle is great to sit in and read if you want down time and otherwise walk up Massachusetts Avenue (north!!) and look at all the Embassy buildings. Oftentimes they're made to reflect the culture of the country and there are loads and loads of them. Lots of fun :)

    Umm as for anything else - the monuments obviously but wear comfy comfy shoes because DC involves a lot of walking and the metro doesn't go through Georgetown. Try to avoid most areas of Southeast. Eastern Market is fine but there are some really bad areas like around Anacostia. Definitely stay out of that area at night. Northwest is generally all safe.

    Sorry this is probably the longest comment ever but I hope you have a great time in DC! Let me know how it goes!

  10. i love the two bags here! theyre awesome :)

  11. love the backpack.
    hope you have tons of fun on your trip!

  12. i am loving the scalloped edge pink cross-body bag! :)


  13. Love the forever 21 backpack! Too cute.

    <3 visit sometime
    Natasha -

  14. wauw lovely post! love the boots :)


    hope to see you soon again in my blog babe!

  15. I love the clothes and accesories in this post :) good job ^^
    I hope to see you also in my blog
    Je :)

  16. Great minds must think alike because I just blogged about a F21 purse too!! Oh, and a scarf. Gotta love that place!

  17. Great post!!! love the boots...

  18. The brown rucksack is gorgeous :D

  19. these all look like great traveling essentials! im so excited to hear about your trip when you get back - it sounds like sooo much fun!


  20. oh btw! since your blog is called pancakeSTACKER and youre going to new york im giving you the best pancakes in new york:

    clinton street bakery - blueberry pancakes!!

    let me know if you try them out - they're amazing!

  21. i always find packing to be such a stressful thing to do. haha, if only we can take our entire closet. i always think i'm bringing less than what i need, then when i come home i realize that i brought more than i need. haha. have a safe and wonderful trip!

    <3, Mimi

  22. I like both of those bags!

    I've just finished Girl with a Dragon Tattoo which is really good - and I'm reading SuperFreakonomics, the first one is awesome too :)

  23. :) thank you! I try to keep it as positive as I can. It looks like you're doing a lot of traveling all at once, and be styling while doing it!!! when are youu going exactly?! That Forever 21 backpack is too good of a find!!! Also besides from the 2 books you listed, I recommend, "Letters to a Young Poet" by Rainer Maria Rilke... it will change your life! or at least inspire you! one of my favorites.

    I noticed you're living in SF? or LA? either way I'll be in SF to visit my best friends there (I always go to SF and NYC cuz my friends are there but lately I been giving NYC a bit too much love. lol)

    goodluck and have fun!

  24. I love things you have chosen :) I hope to see you in my blog and if you like it, follow me :)

  25. Ooh what brings you to the city of Seattle?! I love that jacket, it looks perfect for just about any kind of weather!

    So octopus is pretty chewy... similar in consistency to squid (if you've ever eaten that).

    If you haven't read The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo I would seriously suggest it. It's sort of a soul searching book, something fitting for post-college wanderings. Hope you have a fabulous trip!

  26. oh how i wished there was a forever 21 in the netherlands! lovely blog:)


  27. Great bacpack. I love The fact thats brown. I only saw these in Black lately.

    XX T

    Feel free to visit somtime.

  28. OOOh! I LOVE those riding boots! xxx

  29. I love the pink scalloped bag and the Frye boots! Great post!


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