Monday, January 31, 2011

School Boy Crush + VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!

Spent another day in the city, this time in the Sunset district, exploring and doing one of my favorite things -- eating. Originally, I intended to do some shoots for my blog, as I've gathered quite a few outfits I've been dying to photograph. But, the San Francisco sun finally went into hiding the one day I had off (soooooo typical, right?), so instead of settling for mediocre photos, I decided to save my outfits for the sun and spend the day chowing down. DJ took me to this delicious Pho spot (which you will see later this week or next), and a cute little ice cream shop, Polly Ann's, for some dessert, where I got a scrumptious junior sized pistachio-almond flavored ice cream. I have to take a moment to talk about how adorable this ice cream shop is. First of all, the prices are meant to tempt all the after school kids. You can get a scoop for just $2.20, they have an endless and ever-changing array of flavors, you can bring your pup and (s)he will eat free, and, if you can't decide on a flavor, you can spin the wheel and let them choose for you! I don't really know how much better it can get. Basically, I'm pretty much hoping to score a Valentine who will buy me flowers (tulips are my favorite) and bring me back to this ice cream shop for a date. Speaking of, I'm now accepting Valentine's Day offers, so holla at yo gurlll. Just kidding...kinda... unless you really want to wine and dine me, haha!

Okay guys, this little girl was sitting next to me, and her mom stepped away for a few minutes. She was staring at me with those cute little button eyes, so, naturally, I couldn't resist snapping a photo. Look at how absolutely precious she is with the ketchup on her face and her little hands holding on to that hot dog with the jaws of life. I'm pretty attached to my food too, so I can totally understand.
Tights, bag, and socks: Forever 21; Boots: Cathy Jean; Flannel Shirt: Nordstrom (Men's Department); Sweater: Random; Necklace: c/o MyNameNecklace; Photos of me by: DJ Lan; All other photos by: Chandamheer

As for my outfit, a few weeks ago, I did that thing where I like something so much, I buy them in two's or three's. Apparently, I can no longer blame that on being an Aquarius, because some funny guy named Ophiuchus decided to ruin the party for the rest of us and cause an astrological-identity meltdown for us humans. But, from what I have gathered, these new horoscopes only apply to those born after 2009, so I think my Aquarius traits are here to stay. So back to what I was saying before that lengthy digression, I bought three flannel shirts. I remember scanning through the rounders and thinking, "Man, this would look AWESOME...on me." And, since I know you are waiting for the point of this story, here it is: I bought all three in the men's department. When one of the salespeople saw one of the shirts I got, she made a point to mention that she just got the same shirt for her boyfriend, and he now "lives in it." I politely chuckled, while imagining myself all warm and toasty in my comfortable new flannel shirts. I have always been a firm believer in wearing what makes you comfortable...and warm.

In other news, I've finally created a Facebook page for my blog and a Chictopia account! Both are slightly confusing and I'm still trying to figure out the nuts and bolts. I invite you all to "like" my Facebook page, and "fan" me on Chictopia. Apparently, I need 25 people to like my page before it officially becomes a page, so if that link doesn't work, just search "pancakeSTACKER." So pretty please click that little like button for me!

FINALLY, I've decided to enter Refinery 29's Next Big Style Blogger contest

I would really, really, appreciate it if you would VOTE for my blog! All you have to do is search for my picture (Chandamheer)  and click the little red heart next to my photo! Since, I just entered, I should be found in the "most recent" category. In order to vote, you must log in with your Facebook account, and since you are already going to be logged in because you just liked my page, you don't even have to worry about it! But really, it would mean so much! Right now, the top contender already has 370 votes! Since you can only vote once, every vote counts, and I need your help. Thank you all! :)


  1. looking lovely as always!! ooh! definitely going to vote!

    love from,

  2. you look so adorable in these photos! that ice cream shop looks AMAZING, I totally want to visit! <3


  3. i love that red cardigan! such a pretty punch of color. and your foodie experiences always look so fun. ill check out the sites you mentioned, happy to see you doing such aspirational things!!


  4. Love the outfit!!! It looks fantastic

  5. ahhh I entered the refinery contest as well!

    Buuuut do the votes really count? I thought the votes were just for support and that decisions were really made by just the editors?

    Either way - good luck!

  6. Whyyyyy are you always so damn cute???!!!! I love your outfit. <3

  7. I love men's shirts almost as much as I love high heels, and you totally rock that flannel. The red cardi pairs perfectly with you. Oh, and I will friend, like, vote, what have you.

  8. Whether or not you planned on photographing this outfit, it's super cute AND comfy-looking. I, too, wear flannels under cardigans on chilly days. The boots are a great touch!

    Mmm, ice cream...
    Twitter @theloudermouth
    Valentine Blog Event

  9. Bahaha I love how creepy you are and took a photo of someone else's child. I have that urge too - little girls are so freaking adorable, sometimes!

    And I love the color of your cardigan. And hard to imagine why anyone WOULDN'T holler at you/wine&dine during Valentine's - you're such a gorgeous girl!

    xo Sherrie

  10. I know! Those flanel shirts are sooo comfy, even if bought in the mens deparment :-P who cares, I would never guess! It looks great on you.

    And yeah, Chictopia is pretty confusing for me too. And yes! Asics definitely are the best running shoes ever! Ive had some knee problems with my old shoes but they were gone when I started to run with my Asics.

    Im gonna like your Facebook page now ;) have a beautiful day!!


  11. Love your shirt!! xx

  12. I wish you the best of luck as newer Style Blogger!

  13. Hey there,
    I voted for you! (do find it kind of annoying that they have to access your fb account for this, why can't we just vote? anyway, not your fault)
    Like the shirt!

  14. Very cute & casual look! Man i love ice cream. We went out in a snow storm for some (how desperate is that?)!
    (i have 2 blogs also thanks for the visit...i'll be back...)

  15. you have such a nice blog :) you sound like a lovely girl and that's what's important to me when I read blogs. The little girl = <3

    And I'm definitely guilty of shopping in the men's (or even children's) department when I see something I love! it's just clothes anyway, as long as you love it and it fits, who cares? You look adorable and I'm sure you'll find a lovely valentine! :D

  16. i love love love the plaid shirt and your cowboyboots ^^ They combine well ^^ I wasn't able to vote for you bacause I already casted my vote for a friend =( x

  17. cuuuute photo! i love your cowboy boots, so awesome! fabulous blog, im following you :) X

  18. I like the red cardigan with the plaid shirt and cowboy boots.
    The little girl is adorable.

  19. You look so cute in this outfit - I love the layers of tights and socks in boots, and the cardi really brings out how vibrant your plaid shirt is. Very nice!! Also - impeccable skin - just saying!

    ps-voting :)

  20. that plaid shirt is awesome on you!

    and don't worry about being able to walk in the danys, they are literally the most comfortable pair of heels i've ever owned!

  21. gosh that little girl must have been staring at you and your awesome outfit. :D

  22. gosh that little girl must have been staring at you and your awesome outfit. :D

  23. Red cardigans are easily the best things you can have in your closet! It looks great with the plaid. I love it! These pictures are so much fun- I love your smile!

  24. Yay...I will totally vote for you and wish you piles and piles of success my dear!
    off to vote:)

  25. amazing outfit,love your boots..and i'm already followed you

  26. Lovely photos, you're very photogenic!

  27. hahah her mom is going to sue you! shes so cute though! AHHH your amazing for stating the above! i also feel like comments should be genuine, not self promotion! cuz of that im totally following you!

  28. Your boots are giving my nostalgia of my uncle when i was younger, he wore cowboy boots faithfully! Rain or shine, Hot or Cold! lol...

  29. you look amazing in that first photo! i really like the way you layered the flannel with the cardigan...i have been meaning to try that! very inspiring :)

  30. the outfit looks great! I love your boots, I need some Cowboy Boots in my life!
    greetings from london! ;)

  31. love this look w/ the flannel and red cardigan xo

  32. How cute is your school-girl outfit. AND I never thought of pairing that outfit with some cowboy boots. Love the combo!!

    Totally voting now. Please come vote for my blog for the DIY Readers' Choice Awards!


  33. oh my gosh i love your blog, and i love even more that you're from san francisco! (my hometown) i keep confusing polly ann's with mitchell's..which one is better??

  34. I've been telling (nagging) E that we should go for pho since it's so coold here! I can't believe you are eating ice cream right now, I am jelly!

    p.s. leaving now to vote!

    Stay Happy and Positive!




  35. your golden boots are pretty cool! i like how you knotted your blouse! have a lovely day..!

  36. your golden boots are pretty cool! i like how you knotted your blouse! have a lovely day..!

  37. Oh gee, I know how it feels to try to spend all the photoshoots for the sun!
    I always find your pics so lovely. Hard to believe, eating is your fav thing btw :)

    Im in SF in June. Would you care to meet up? I´d love to!



i love it when you whisper sweet nothings to me.

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