Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wisdom Wednesday

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." -- Muhammad Ali
"Perfectly Understated," Look Book, Sosie

The first Wisdom Wednesday of 2012! I thought it was important to start with a strong one. And what's stronger than the "world's greatest?" Well, simply put, this advice. It's a new year for us all, and with that comes  resolutions, goals, and plans for the future. We all sit there and swear that this will be the year we lose 10 pounds or stop spending so much money and save a little. This will be the year that we hit the gym harder and put down the sweets. So amidst all this planning for our fresh new start, I just wanted to remind you to dream big and get it all done. Really, start today. Whatever it is, however "crazy" you think it might sound, just believe you can. There's nothing you can't do, and I honestly believe that. Do what makes you happy and don't ever, ever let anyone tell you that you can't. For those who can't see the future ahead of you, tell them to get their sunglasses ready. The future's bright and it's your time to shine. After all, what's impossible? Nothing. Happy 2012, everyone. I'm so very excited for all the good things coming our way. 

PS - I have some amaizng, amazing news to share with you all and I am bursting at the seams to spill. I promise to let you know as soon as I can! And don't think I've forgotten about my special JewelMint & StyleMint giveaway. If you entered, stay tuned.. a winner will be announced soon!!!


  1. I love this fantastic!Thanks!:)
    xx Inés

  2. Love this! such great inspiration. :)

  3. beautiful pics!!!compliments!!!amazing blog!!!i'm following you!!!

  4. Thank you for the inspiration! I am working really hard this year in setting my goals high and sticking to the road that will get me there! Happy 2012.



  6. so lovely dear... i want your opinion...

    Kisses Elpi

  7. Love the shirt-dress! Awesome blog! and I love the goodies you grabbed from Forever twenty-one!

  8. Love that quote! I live by it!! And your fashion is amazing here...perfect for my modest blog!! Come say hi!


i love it when you whisper sweet nothings to me.

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