Ah, August - where did you come from? July flew by and August came out of no where. I can't even believe that Outside Lands is this weekend! Speaking of, any of you going? (I, for one, cannot wait to see Flume kill it on stage again. He was a dream at Coachella!) Ah, I digress (but you should know there are some gooood things cooking up for that, so do keep an eye!). Before we get on to another beautiful month (the month that marks four years of blogging over here at pancakeSTACKER, btw), let's take a quick look at the memories that made up July. Shall we?

Um, the most major thing that happened to me last month, which you already know about (sorry for the double-dipping over here, but a proud gal's gotta boast sometimes, okay?) was my first print feature in Redbook Magazine. Obviously an especially sticky sweet moment in the life of pancakeSTACKER - a moment that I can only hope will repeat itself in the future.

Last month, I teamed up with SF-based Twice for a sticky sweet shop with curated clothes on a dime. There's nothing I love more than supporting the local gems and when I get to make a new friend out of any blogger partnership, what could be sweeter? Speaking of - did y'all see who won the amazing Twice summer giveaway?

Aside from all the blog commitments and events, I made sure to spend lots of time with friends. From a July Fourth sugar overload to a day of nonstop caffeination - it was a good month with some of my best pals. And, at the end of the day, what could be better than that?
July was a pretty stellar month and August (four days in) has been killin' it. I can't wait to share all the amazing things I have planned for this month. Thank you guys for sticking along for the ride.
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i love it when you whisper sweet nothings to me.