BCBGeneration Suede Jacket (40% off with the code, "Chandamheer40") | Old Navy Chambray | Blank NYC Denim skirt via TopShelf Style | ECTU LA Crossbody c/o | Zara Booties
The end of San Francisco's summer is near and this girl is trying to hold on to every bit of sunshine she can. Fall has started to creep its way back in now that October is officially here, but luckily for us city folk, we have at least a week or two of "summer" left. For those who follow me on Instagram, you'll notice that I just got back from Austin for Austin City Limits. I'm a festival child at heart and I was more than happy to sweat through 90+ degree weather. in anticipation for the festival I stopped by TopShelf Style and fell in love with the denim skirt pictured above. It was the perfect Austin companion, and as you can see I've been wearing it nonstop. But, 90 degree Austin is no 60 degree San Francisco, which is why I've started to slowly layer up. While it would have been more than foolish to wear this beautiful BCBGeneration suede coat in Austin, it was more than acceptable for SF's cooler evenings. While I am bummed the beginning of fall means saying "so long" to many of my warm weather attire, I'm not mad at the idea of wearing cozy jumpers, coats, and booties. Not mad at all.

And since the end of San Francisco's summer is KIND OF a bummer, might as well turn the spirits around with a little send off party. I'm co-hosting a Sip and Shop shindig with Daisy of Daisy's Fashion Garden at TopShelf Style next Thursday, October 15th from 5 - 7 p.m. All are welcome - we'll have some happy hour happenings to drown your summertime sadness in, and a ton of killer pieces to stock up on if you're getting one last festival in. Treasure Island, anyone? Very much hope to see you all there!!
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i love it when you whisper sweet nothings to me.