If there's one thing I'm guilty of, it's not mixing prints as much as I should. I'm a simple gal. As such, my style is pretty simple, too. But sometimes, simple is too safe. So this year, I'm saying "so long!" to safe and trying to get more outside of my comfort zone.

Sunnies, Similar Coat, Flats, Similar bucket bag (here and here), Piperlime Skirt, Ann Taylor Suede Top
Photos by: Julia O Test
It's been blistering cold in SF, with minor appearances by the sun. But, I was kind of tired of wearing pants, so the first sign of sun, I slipped on this striped skirt (that I haven't worn for ages) and paired it with my trusty leopard coat and wool top. While my legs were still quite cold, it was fun to try pretend that the sun was back for a little while. I unintentionally matched my sunnies with my coat, which I didn't actually realize until putting this post together. Love it when the details match up like that.
Love the mix of patterns here!