I'm not one for believing in big statements (without proof, that is). It's in my nature to analyze everything. In fact, as and English major in college, I found it thrilling to analyze every angle of a 4-word line in a poem. I could write paragraphs out of just a sentence. Point is, I like to challenge things. That being said, I'd still consider myself a healthy mix of both optimistic and realistic. If you say something, I genuinely want to believe you - but I need proof, ha. So, why am I telling you this? Because Everlane just released their Day Heel, coined the most comfortable heel to walk in by scores across the web. Everlane's own website says it's the heel you can walk in all damn day. Now, let me tell you something about myself. I love dressing up. I wish I could lie and say that I'm chic AF and rock the heels 9 to 5 at the office. I'm not. I prefer comfort over style and sometimes forget that the two can go hand in hand. When I was living in LA for college, I trained myself to love heels. (We're talking live, breathe,walk in-them-forever-love). Well, 7 years later, San Francisco has turned me into the sneaker queen. People at work marvel over how I can keep my collection so pristine. But, every now and then I miss the old heel-loving-me. So, when Everlane invited me to their Day Collection pop-up, you know I had to show up. The verdict? Find out after the jump.

Everlane Day Heel c/o; Furla Bag c/o; Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply BF Jeans (on sale!); Grana Silk Top c/o
Okay, okay - what you really want to know. Do the heels live up to the hype? Yas, girl. Yas. They really, really, really do. I wore these suckers EVERYWHERE. I even shot some hoops in these suckers (really, I did). I wore them from the office (all damn day) to dinner (all damn night). Did my feet ache? Nope. Did I get any blisters? Nope. Are they true to size? Yep. So, do I love them? Yes.
The Day Heel is made with 100% pure Italian, buttery soft and smooth leather. The heel itself isn't too high (just a 2-inch block), but it's definitely enough height to make you feel good. The shoe is light and I think that's key, because hello, you can pack it in your bag, or your luggage and consider yourself set with the perfect day-to-night-shoe. It's casual when you need it to be and dressy when you want to look just that much more put together. Basically, the Day Heel is the closet staple you need to finish off your look. I consider it as essential as my signature hair bun and red lippie.
These babies are currently on waitlist on the Everlane website, but if you're in need of a heel that's (in my opinion) worth the wait, get on the email list to be notified and buy in bulk!

Everlane Day Heel c/o; Furla Bag c/o; Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply BF Jeans (on sale!); Grana Silk Top c/o
Photos by: Kara Nixon
Okay, okay - what you really want to know. Do the heels live up to the hype? Yas, girl. Yas. They really, really, really do. I wore these suckers EVERYWHERE. I even shot some hoops in these suckers (really, I did). I wore them from the office (all damn day) to dinner (all damn night). Did my feet ache? Nope. Did I get any blisters? Nope. Are they true to size? Yep. So, do I love them? Yes.
The Day Heel is made with 100% pure Italian, buttery soft and smooth leather. The heel itself isn't too high (just a 2-inch block), but it's definitely enough height to make you feel good. The shoe is light and I think that's key, because hello, you can pack it in your bag, or your luggage and consider yourself set with the perfect day-to-night-shoe. It's casual when you need it to be and dressy when you want to look just that much more put together. Basically, the Day Heel is the closet staple you need to finish off your look. I consider it as essential as my signature hair bun and red lippie.
These babies are currently on waitlist on the Everlane website, but if you're in need of a heel that's (in my opinion) worth the wait, get on the email list to be notified and buy in bulk!
I love the shape of those heels!