What I didn't tell you about my Austin City Limits adventure is that the day before my trip, I got attacked by a crazy mosquito. It bit my forehead six times and my arms about another six to eight more times. Yes, it did look like I got hit in the face. And then, just as my face and arm swelling started to go down... I got bit by MORE mosquitoes on my legs when I got to Austin. It was sad and funny all at the same time. I was swollen, it was humid and hot, and I got no relief. Why am I telling you this? Because on day three of ACL, the sun came out in full force and it was almost miserable. My bites were more swollen than ever thanks to the heat, and if you look really, really closely... you can see a few in these photos. Luckily, Juice Land saved my soul, and the Gorillaz and Zhu met my musical expectations. Now, time to start saving and planning for Austin, year four.

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i love it when you whisper sweet nothings to me.