Thanksgiving is in two days, you guys. Two days! Is it just me, or did this year totally zoom by? I honestly can't believe it's nearly December. Every year, around this time, my friends and I host a Friendsgiving potluck, where we gather 'round and stuff ourselves silly with amazingly delicious food and drinks. (Think lumpia, ribs, pies galore, cider, sweet potato mash and more... mmmmm.) Because we lost track of time and forgot to plan, this will be our first year out of the last several that we won't be having one. (Insert sad face, here.) Luckily, we also host an annual Friendsmas gathering, so not all is lost. Even better, Bay Area-based restaurant delivery service, DoorDash recently saved a seat at the table for me at their's, so I didn't have to totally miss out on the Friendsgiving tradition. Aside from chowing down alongside some of my blogging pals, I also walked away with some fresh ideas for how to "wow" guests at my next gathering. Anyone out there hosting people this year and could use some extra tips, too? Well, my friends, you're going to want to read more after the jump.

Okay, okay - first thing's first. If you're reading this, then you've undoubtedly had to scroll through those photos up there, right? Well, incase you were thinking to yourself, "Who is that guy? He looks so familiar..." That, my friends, is Chef Sam Talbot, chef/owner of Brooklyn's Pretty Southern restaurant, and semi-finalist of Top Chef (Season 2). He hosted our dinner. Pretty fun, huh? Now, before we get to the actual food, I feel obligated to tell you that Sam didn't actually cook anything for us. Instead, all the food served came from some of DoorDash's restaurant partners - a whole bunch of them, actually. We had dishes from Little Star Pizza, Mission Chinese, Lemonade, 4505 Meats, and Blue Plate. Since Sam did not cook any of the dishes, he instead showed us how to spruce up prepared meals to make them even more presentable for guests. Essentially, the biggest tips shared were put lemon zest on everything, plate your dishes and add garnish, and don't be afraid to mix and match. Whether you've got a guest list of 5 or 50, DoorDash is a pretty sweet service to use to save time and wow your guests with deliciously cooked dishes. Friendsgiving may have crept up on me this time around, but I'm for sure knocking Friendsmas out of the park.
Thank you, DoorDash for my seat at the table!
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i love it when you whisper sweet nothings to me.