When's the last time you got up early and made your way to enjoy a seated breakfast before starting work, or your day? For me, it was a few weeks ago, when Breakfast Club invited me to slow down and have a seat at Lord Stanley's table. I had work that day, but opted to get in a little later, so I could meet and eat with some of SF's local creatives. When I first started blogging seven (!!) years ago, I made a very conscious effort to attend events and meet new people in the community. 25% of the time I would go with a friend, but 75% of the time, I went alone. I forced myself (an quiet introvert) to put my phone away and introduce myself to as many people as possible. Fast forward to 2017 (and even a few years back, if we're being totally honest!), and I almost never go to events alone anymore. I bring a pal, or my boyfriend, or if I can't bring someone, sometimes I just end up passing. As of late, I wanted to change that. So, I did - starting with this particular event. I missed making myself uncomfortable and getting to know new people. So, I decided to forgo asking for a +1, and instead, took the morning for myself. It was sorta scary to head into an event alone and ask strangers if I could join their table, but I did it. And, I met some really cool people. Aside from that, I got to enjoy an epic breakfast by the Lord Stanley crew. I sipped my tea, laughed with locals, and left filled with good vibes. Moral of the story? Get outside of your comfort zone. Put your phone down. Talk to people. Talk to people. Talk to people. It's good for the soul.

Thanks, Breakfast Club + Pukka Tea for the inspiring morning.
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i love it when you whisper sweet nothings to me.